
[Psycho]New science of Happiness(English class group discussion)


*Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you got.
*Success is getting what you want, happiness is sharing/cherishing/ appreciating what you got.

*Qualities of happy people:
1. like themselves ( not changing into sb else's appearance, height, weight, etc.)
2. positive thinkers
3. outgoing and friendly ( plesant to be around, share happiness and sorrow with others, easier to get good jobs)
*Intellectual traits(curiosity, love for learing)are less strongly tied to happiness than interpersonal virtues (kindness, gratitude, capacity for love)---Happiness is from within(personality)

*Three components of happiness: 1. Meaning(does doing this give meaning to your life)> 2.Engagement(your involement, effort, connection to this thing you're doing)> 3. Pleasure

*Eight steps toward a more satisfying life:
1. Count your blessings (gratitude journal)
2. Practice acts of kindness (being kind triggers a cascade of positive effects, gives your greater sense of connection with others and wins you smiles, approval and reciprocal kindness)
3. Savor life's joys (mental photograghs taking too review during bad times, focus on momentary pleasures)
4. Thank a mentor ( sb who has done sth meaningful to you, even it doesn't mean anything to him/her)
5. Learn to forgive (let go of anger and resentment by writing a letter to sb who hurt you, allowing you to move on instead of dwelling on revenge)
6. Invest time and money in friends and family ( Where you live, job title, money, and even health matters less. Strong personal relationships is the biggest happiness booster!)
7. Take care of your body (A healthy body houses a healthy mind)
8. Develop strategies for coping with stress and hardships (Religious faith, etc.)

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