
TEDxYouth @Taipei live blogging in Chi&Eng 現場即時中英fb逐字稿 by me

2010/11/20 Ximen Red House

大家在電腦前準備好了嗎 Are you ready for TEDxYouth day in front of your computer?12:25

台灣下午一點開始,現場直播雙語TEDxYouth@Taipei唷! (快點點進去看)



Unity drum is on stage performing African drums! Unity drum 帶來非洲鼓表演, 將邀請觀眾一同玩鼓!

這是許願的歌, 這麼多的聲音, 我們的聲音在哪裡呢? 讓大家用幾分鐘把自己的聲音找出來, 用身體或身邊的物件做出聲音, 讓每個人都可以聽到你的聲音, 與別人的聲音~Let's use our body and the objects around us to make our own sounds and let them be heard~

Unity drums 正在指揮大家奏出如鼓一般震撼的節奏!Dong, dong! Unity drums is commanding us to make drum-like strong beats!

The rise and fall of drum beats is vibrating the floor! You are the drum, so beat it with your mouth, hands, or legs! 此起彼落的鼓聲撼動著現場地面, 你就是那隻鼓, 用口或手腳去敲打你的鼓吧!

互相共振, 聆聽彼此, 互相聽另一邊的朋友在說什麼, 看看是否有共鳴, 把大家分成兩組囉! They separate the audience into two groups, let's hear what the others have to say with their beats, lesten carefuly and see if we can resonate one another! :D So fun!

Those with Samba drums beat first, ponpong, ponpong...Those with Djembe drums strike dendengdengdeng-deng-deng, and others clap, clap! 森巴鼓碰碰響, 拿金貝鼓的觀眾咚咚咚的配合, 其他人用手掌拍拍拍!!!wow!

Thank you Unity drums, now let's welcome our hosts today, Mario brothers! 接下來讓我們歡迎今天的主持人, 馬力歐兄弟!!!!!

馬力歐兄弟說今天全球有七十幾個城市正在分享青年的故事喔!Over 70 cities around the world are sharing stories of the youth!!

這個場地屬於年輕的聲音, 發出自己的聲音就會被聽到, 就像開場的鼓聲, 因為大家的聲音而形成力量, 青年的聲音只有一個人是不夠的, 大家一起讓大人聽到你的聲音, 去實現!讓台灣被全世界歌頌! This arena belongs to young voices, when you speak out loud, the adults will hear too!

Our first speaker Peter Han is here to talk about Youth Empowerment!

What does a baby mean? The top quality is creativity, innovation, and invention! Our education system should be less about finding right answers but the right questions! 我們的教育應該著重在找出對的問題, 因為未來的世界不是我們所知的!

What is tinkering?Peter Han is showing his device allowing you to play with a purpose. Let's guess what he shows on the screen now.Tinkering是讓你有目地去玩的一種發明.

We know academics is important, but academics is not enough. It's only one part of our development. much of what we do is unkown, unlike academics, we never know what we will get in our project, taking you to the boundaries outside the comfort zone.

NGO組織 發明家無國界負責人-Mr.Peter Han在演講中提出創意創新學習的重要。

Venture is daring journey, taking you to unimaginable things. 冒險是一個大膽的旅程. 我們的計劃不像學術,我們永遠都不知道計畫的結果是什麼, 帶我們跨出舒適圈的計畫.

Peter Han 正在分享參與計劃的孩童的驚人發明, 像是環保溜冰鞋和反式象棋! Peter Han shares the kids inventions, ice-skater shoes made from recycled materials and reverse chess, Argggg Chess, etc.

Are you an Actor or Producer? Actor = Someone who takes action; Producer = Someone who creates things

Quintessence is the mysterious fifth element, when we find pur passion that's our Quintessence, how to find it? Find ventures. When you follow your passion to serve those in need, they you live a life of purpose. And your job is to grasp creativity. 我們如何發現自己的第五元素? 就冒險吧! 而當你跟隨你的熱情去幫助娜先需要的人,你就活出有意義的生命! 抓住創意去冒險吧!

Peter Han 的兒子從小就是發明家, 現在正在告訴我們年輕人有潛力解決問題! Peter Han's son says youth have the potential to solve problems.

Javier Fernandez-Han is on stage now - "The world needs me to invent inventors"

Trends he found他發現的趨勢:1. Past experiences. 2. New ideas triggered by normal events. 3.Ideas die quickly. 4. Uncertainty. 5. Not always deliberate. 6. Limited by knowledge and experience of inventor.

他用Inventor village去找出前述溫室的問題, 他問自己那些物理原則即已知發明可以幫他找出解決方法. He used Inventor village to address the problem of Greenhouse as mentioned just now. He asked himself what physics principles can help and what inventions can help him.

他使用溪水盤茲做出兩層的吸水橋以及可旋式屋頂的概念來解決溫室溼氣的問題 He invents moisture absorbing layer and rotatable roof for the greenhouse vent.

He used Heuristics and plays with stucture, and the whole invention process was only 60 minutes. 他運用探索法思考整個發明之概念僅花了60分鐘.

創新發明者-Javier Fernandez-Han分享利用創意思考解決問題,並且也融入了大自然原則。


In the future, this kind of innovation will make great impacts to solve problems on the planet.Innovate village 的創新影響力無遠弗屆, 可解決世界各地的問題~

讓我們來欣賞一段David Gallo在 TED上分享探索海底驚奇的影片, 變色烏賊,章魚完美的偽裝都令大家驚嘆大自然的奧妙! David Gallo shows jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, including a color-shifting cuttlefish and a perfectly camouflaged octopus.

中場休息時間, 除了美味的餐點, 我們來用桌上的彩色筆大聲畫出夢想, 畫完趕快跟馬利兄弟拍照吧! Break and dessert time! Let's draw our dreams with markers!

大家的夢想都很有趣喔, 有的想要幫特教學生辦攝影展, 有的想要成為舞者, 還有人的夢想是讓每個人都能大聲說出夢想, 無所畏懼! 現在讓我們來看表演囉!官將首敲鑼打鼓出現囉! 所有表演者,畫面著臉譜,狀似鬼神,手拿各式法器,以三步叉及多變的陣式表演及武術動作!

Behold! The god/goddess is here!Hold your breath while"Guan Jian Shou" performs on stage! "Guan Jian Shou"or "the chief guards of Ksitigarbha"; are usually played by two or three people, sometimes followed by "Eight Generals", their subordinates. As leading policeman in front of the parade, scaring away devious spirits⋯⋯, announcing What a convincing makeup, acts and dresses and tremendous sounds!

Mario brother Kevin announces that over 6000 audience are watching live broadcast with us! TEDxYouth connects youth worldwide at the moment! Kevin說目前超過六千位網路直播觀眾! 全世界TEDxYouth串聯起來囉!

台青蕉樂團搖滾登場! Youthbanana rocks the stage! 搖滾樂是世界青年發聲的中心! Rock music is the speaker for world youth voice!

台清蕉發人深省的一席開場白呼籲大家我們社區的未來, 我們文化的意涵, 在社會結構老人化之後更需要年輕人積極參與社區未來改造! Youthbanana calls upon our youth to take actions to preserve our communities and cultures in the aging society!

讓我們跟著他們搖滾樂與戲劇來關懷旗山香蕉產業, 關心蕉農的生活並讓小學生對歷史有所連結, 並研發香蕉美食使香蕉有更多價值, 此外他們與小朋友合作一起製作了香蕉項鍊與香蕉交通號誌等創意概念, 讓蕉農也對未來有希望, 更拍了mv讓大家重視香蕉產業!真是一隻搞笑的MV!

Show time! Youthbanana integrates their observation and caring for banana farmers' lives with youth creativity to produce banana bracelets and traffic signs in the surrounding, bringing hope for the farmers! Now let's watch the funny babana music video featuring babana farmers!

追求我們自己的台青蕉, 追求自己rock的事情, 我們的台青蕉就是第一名, 不用受到生活的約束, 做自己最重要! Youthbanana: pursue our own number one and be yourself, get rid of all the unnecessary constraints!

從生活中去實踐,做正港的台青蕉! Realize your dreams to be on Top!

水水環境志工林駿宏開始分享與生物共享自然生態, 學習尊重他們的生命! 曾發起「給臺灣鬥魚更多的家」運動,保護老樹不遺餘力的他, 他從中學到不要放棄就可以達成夢想! Environment volunteer Lin Chun Hong is sharing how to share the environment with natural creatures and learn to respect their lives! He has launched the "Give fighting fish home!" campaign and protected old trees, from those experience he learned that we should never give up!

他為了搶救綠色文化生態廊道(徐州路), 做了光碟與發起聯署信給文化局, 不只保持了老樹,更保護了老樹群落與生態, 不要忽略你的力量藥團解起來力量就很大, 城市生態化很重要, 不要只是現代都市叢林, 更不要忽略台灣寶貴的生物多樣性, 像昆蟲就有萬種! 他們做了田野調查發現鬥魚可治療登革熱, 但棲息地被破壞, 才發起蓋斑鬥魚的保護運動, 在志工活動後, 現在已從保育單中移除!

To preserve the cultural and ecological corridors of Xuzhou Road, he made a CD with the petition letter and send to the Cultural Affairs Bureau, to protect the old trees and ecological communities. He thinks that we should not overlook our power, and urban ecology is very important.

白海豚(媽祖魚)面臨五大危機, 例如工業重金屬汙染破壞了海洋生態, 如目前政府開發的彰化濁水七河口影響海豚的生態廊道,後來發起每個人花一點錢就可以買到白海豚居住的地方的搶救活動, 結合一些創意, 像是形象撲滿的把愛傳出去運動, 揚程儲蓄與用一點心力愛護環境, 並號召環境小尖兵等國小社團..呼籲大家現在就開始行動!

White Dolphin (Matsu fish) faced five major crises, such as industrial heavy metal pollution damage to the marine ecosystem, and the current governmental construction plants.So he launched campaign to ask people spend a little money to buy dolphins habitats, combined with some creativity, like the "piggy bank" activity⋯⋯ to save natural environment. So let's start preserving the cnvironment now!

欣賞完一段LXD 舞蹈TED影片, 讓我們來聆聽三個國小學生的故事! After enjoying a TED video of amazing LXD dancing group, let's listen to a story of three kids!

他們從訪問多位大人物: 林懷民, 洪蘭阿姨, 黃達夫院長, 嚴長壽總裁等等,並從中得到了不少智慧! The three students interviewed many inspiring people and obtained words of wisdom.


他們好可愛又厲害哦!年幼的他們已達到夢想並且出書了呢! 他們的分享讓我們知道: 只要你/妳有心,任何事情都有機會成功;努力過也會受到肯定! 加油:) 美夢成真!

感謝佳林, 宜誼, 威廷精彩的心路歷程, 大家一定要去看他們的書喔! Thanks to the three lovely children, can;t wait to read their book!

Ritika Arya is on stage! Namastay! She's Winner of the Achievement Awards for the NGO "My India Empowered" (MIE) that she founded with her Younger sister, she visions to bring education to the very poor children of the "Tribal" people in Mumbai, India.

Ritika Arya在舞台上! Namastay!她是非政府組織“My India Empowered”的成就獎得主,她與妹妹將教育帶給印度孟買部落的貧困兒童。

Ritika reveals how she faced challenges on her way to help impoverished kids. FOr example, one of the kid didn't have water at home. He used "we" instead of you or me, as a notion of empowered the kids while sharing time together.

Her program started to conceptionalize and organize an event to provide kids with activities to develop entrepreneurship, nurturing responsibility and leadership. Kids by indiviality have problems but together they form power and hope.


Everything in this world whether intangible or tangible has a color. This world is a canvas for us to paint it with colors! 世界上每一種東西, 無論無形或有形, 都有色彩. 這個世界是一塊布, 等著我們在上面塗上繽紛的色彩!

Camake valaule claims that singing to your motherland makes a real chant! 查馬克用歌聲訴說, 唯有對土地唱歌才是真正的歌唱!

Their name is Paiwan tribe, from high altitude mountains. Though they have their own pop music, traditional music is still the only thing they connect with their ancestors.他們的名子是排灣族, 來自高海拔的山上. 那裏也有流行樂喔! 但傳統音樂才是與祖先連結的最佳方式.

Although kids live in the tribe, they are alienating from the elders. However, they can trace the original cultures with a simple chant. 雖然孩子住在部落裡, 卻與老人逐漸疏遠. 但孩子可以從歌謠找到文化的脈絡!

....(totally amazed by the aboriginal kids chorus from heaven! 聽到如天堂般的兒童合聲感動全場) They are singing the power of life!生命的力量!

我們很土, 因為我們唱的是土地聽得懂的聲音, 土地的旋律, 祖先的脈動, 我們唱的感人, 北台灣與中台灣的唱法做結合, 慢慢改變孩子對傳統歌謠反感的情緒. We sing grass-root music which is understood by the land, the melody and stories of ancestors. Our moving music slowly changes its impression on the new generation that has lost passion in it.

We sing to find our identity back. We hold hand to link the elders with the youth, to recover the lost memory and times. 我們唱部落的歌, 找回我們的身分, 把老人與年輕人連結, 牽起手, 找回那模糊的時代.

古謠傳唱者-查馬克.法拉烏樂老師,在文化記憶模糊的世代,他用歌謠緊緊繫住了原民與土地的情節。城市迷失的原民啊!我們將用古謠將家鄉親情帶給你們!他們自己說:「原住民很土,因為我們離土地很近啊! 」文化傳承從小開始,不讓原民文化隨著時間而消逝!

我們繼續唱下去就會有更多人聽到我們的聲音! If we keep on singing, we will be heard eventually by more people! (applause掌聲!)

孩子連結失落的山, 重新喚起失落的部落, 聆聽孩子唱出對大自然的愛, 對祖先的懷念. Children connect the lost mountains, recall the lost tribes, listen to the love of nature and memor of ancestors in their music.(heavenly chorus sings...天籟再度響起)


謝謝各位電視前參加TEDxYouth@Taipei的嘉賓及現場嘉賓,今天有你/妳的參與才使我們進行順利 !

TEDxYouth@Taipei is all over folks! Thanks to all the speakers, attendees & viewers on the live stream!

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