
[World] Genocide? ! Take a look at Sudan Darfur Crisis

I know it's a bit long, but you must watch the viedo below:
Save Darfur!


For Whom The Bell Tolls ----John Donne( 1573~1631)

No man is an island, 沒有人能自全,
Entire of itself. 沒有人是孤島
Each is a piece of the continent, 每人都是大陸的一片
A part of the main. 要為本土應卯
As well as if a promontory were. 那便是一塊土地那便是一方海角,
As well as if a manor of thine own 那便是一座莊園不論是你的
Or of thine friend's were. 還是朋友的
If the cloud be washed away by the sea, 一但海水沖走
Europe is the less. 歐洲就要變小
Each man's death diminishes me,任何人的死亡, 都是我的減少
For I am involved in mankind. 作為人類的一員,我與生靈共老
Therefore, send not to know 喪鐘在為誰敲, 我本茫然不曉
For whom the bell tolls, 不為幽冥永隔
It tolls for thee. 它正為你哀悼

Dear Diary:

Today I attended a Thinking Salon--"The Sudan Darfur You Don't Know" held by the LungYingTai Cultural Foundation. First, we watched a documentary movie 'The Devil Came on Horseback". The movie shows the tragedy taking place in Darfur as seen through the eyes of an American witness and who has since returned to the US to take action to stop it. After the nightmarish film, we calmed ourselves down for a deep discussion on this issue with South Africa ambassador Mr. Lu. Among hundreds of participants, a Sudanese, Dr. Yen from NCCU International relationship center , and many others offered various perspectives(other than the film itself) on the Darfur crisis. It's a fruitful learning experience and I'm looking forward to the following salons.

Part 1.The Devil Came on Horseback

The most stunning aspect about the documentary is its images, simply for the unfortunate fact that no one, really, has seen anything properly documenting the brutality going on over there. There's been sporadic text every now and then, and even a picture or two; but, by and large, the waves in the press about Darfur are merely ankle busters compared to this film's tsunami of pictorials and video, displaying the absolute horror of that region of Sudan.

The film follows Brian Steidle, a man who's entire career has been military-based. He served as a USMC captain and when he would no longer see combat, he left the military and accepted a contract position in Sudan with the Joint Military Commission, where he would be an integral part of the North-South ceasefire, rising the ranks from a team leader to senior operations officer. After seven months, he was invited to Darfur, where he would serve as an unarmed military observer and American representative for the African Union in that region. This film documents his findings as an observer.

What he found was systematic ethnic-cleansing genocide. The Sudanese government was not only enabling the mass extinction of its citizens, it was controlling it. The "devil" in the title of the film are the Janjaweed, nomadic black-Arab militia groups who massacre entire villages, by exterminating its non-Arab black African inhabitants and literally burn the tribes' homes to the ground. They are "paid" in plunder and are notorious for raping their female victims, castrating their male victims and torturing them all.

The Janjaweed have been more adequately equipped and become a far greater threat since non-Arab groups, the Sudan Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement, have risen up against the Sudanese government, for its mistreatment of its people. Although the government of Sudan has repeatedly denied any assistance to these barbarous raiding bandits, this film has been a breakthrough of evidence, showing quite clearly the government's involvement.

To really understand this film, however, is to understand its tragedy. No one is really doing anything about this. Even after Steidle came back and lobbied before congress in an effort to call the United States to action, his plethora of images and video were dismissed as nothing more than inconvenient casualties in another state-sponsored genocide that we're unwilling to involve ourselves in. Sure, they were acknowledged and Colin Powell called it what it was--a "genocide"--but there's still over 450,000 dead and counting, and 2.5 million displaced.
I could describe to you the images I saw--the maiming and killing of men, women and children; their eyes gouged out and their bodies burned, castrated and mutilated...DAMN IT! HOW ON EARTH CAN ANYONE BE SO COLDBLOODED!!!!!!and how I reacted, emotionally with tears of hopelessness and regret, when I saw this film. But instead, I think it far more powerful for you to go see this film for yourself. Then perhaps you'll want to take active involvement in stopping this nightmare. It's not enough to talk about it and acknowledge that it's happening--we need to take active measures in preventing the perpetuation of these government sanctioned massacres.

Remember, just as you've read this review in the comfort of your own home or office or wherever, the killing in Sudan continues. And it won't stop until every last one of the non-Arab black Africans are dead, or when, and if, someone steps in and takes appropriate action to stop it. http://www.amnestyusa.org/youth/i/darfur_rally_3.jpg
Part 2. The Thinking Salon

Sudan, located on northeast Sudan, is the largest nation with most complex ethnic groups in Africa. (You know, the colonial past cut the continent into irresponsible pieces, leaving it a land of hatred). Sudan has a history in antagonistic against Egypt and colomy of Great Britain. Religion is one of the potential factors contributing to the crisis. Muslim Arabs(10%) commands the government, 80% black African being Christian, and a minor population still hold traditional belief. Image:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/id/f/fd/Darfur.png

Since its independence in the 1950s ,the country's political structure doesn't meet Arab and blacks' expectations , triggering the "North-South conflict"; In 1979, the discovery of oil caused further power and wealth contention. Facing internal unrest, Darfur's situation deteriorated, giving rise to two black "anti-government" movements: the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA)and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) " . In 2003, anti-government forces launched local attacks, and the central government secretly supports the Arab militias (Janjaweed) on counterattacks. "

The African Union has tried to mediate the ethnic conflict in Darfur by sending peacekeeping troops to enter Sudan, but it has not been effective. Statistics from the United Nations show that the ethnic conflict in Darfur killed 400,000 people and 2.5 million were left homeless. In 2004, United Nations and the international community involved in the rescue process.

A Sudanese youth at presence said that the Darfur issue should not be simply attributed to internal ethnic conflict or ineffective government management. In his view, the plight of Sudan is related to those nations coveting Sudan's oil energy, taking the opportunity to interfere Sudan's internal affairs. The lack of local economic development is another cause. He confirmed that the Government of Sudan has failed to propose a solution on the Darfur issue, but also challenged the monopoly of the Western media publish information on whether the number of killings is credible. He strongly suggests that from 2004 to date, Sudan (including Darfur) has been on their way to development and repairing fracture among ethnics. With the step-by-step remedy, he believes that the future of Sudan is hopeful.

The Africa research institute director Dr. Yan said that the international community focus on Darfur crisis not because of the black victims in poverty, instead, it's about alleviating and preventing racial discrimination, he stressed. Regardless of the number of massacres (the Government of Sudan announced 7000 or 400000 by the United Nations), the point is that only the concerns of the international community can prevent similar Holocaust, genocide, Yugoslav tragedy, etc., from happening again.

Ambassador Lu responded to the views of the youth from Sudan, saying the definition of genocide usually concerns political and legal levels. Although numbers of casualties of the Darfur conflict has to be confirmed, hundreds of thousands of displaced refugees shows the indisputable fact of government incompetence. Lu complimented him of having the courage to speak out for his nation and defend his government. This is a very important civic force, and he encouraged the youth to continue to track the development of Darfur crisis.

One participant raised the question on the inactivity of the African Union in Darfur incidents, and whether it is the reason why the problem is unsolved. Lu's response: Africa continent encountered tragic history under colonial powers of the west for a century, therefore strongly rejects any Western forces to Africa. The African Union is to "solve African proplems in an African way" but the fact is that due to poverty and inability to mutual assistance , the African Union can not function well in reality. He expresses a considerable degree of pessimism on the future of Darfur's conflict .

Another participant mentioned the mass and astonishing Chinese imigration to Africa, which she discovered on her way to a youth conference on Darfur issue in Kenya. Will the Chinese respect the black as equal? Or they would use every means to obtain profit?

The moderator Hongxiaowei concluded that behind the Darfur tragedy there are complex factors namely the farcical race, religion, politics, international interests , nevertheless the government's none-interference in the killings of unarmed people for political interests(the Janjaweeds are dominant Arabs, you know), definitely deserves criticisim. The international community should take joint responsibility for the protection of vulnerable people. The foundation's "The Thinking Salon", as platform for discussion and observation, calls on Taiwanese young people to concern about the development of human rights worldwide from broader perspectives of humanitarianism.

Shed lots of tears and enlighted by new insights on the world,

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