
[Reunion] Junior High無限供應幕斯蛋糕=無限友誼

Dear diary:
It's junior high reunion! However, some of us couldn't make it! Ex.:貝貝's grandma passed away...Too bad. anyways, we had a great casual chat in 【森林花園烘焙主題餐廳】a dessert-lover-paradise offering unlimited amount of muss cakes~(Only if I had a healthier stomach and less poopoo that day..haha.) BTW, Thanks for 黑's scooter and 卓's 飆車^^, you guys are always so considerate><.

None of us really changed, even after so many years separated, our hearts still stick together~ Friendship, for me is an infinite and mutual understanding and selfless care, unlimited by time and space, just like the unlimited cakes, providing endless sweet and fragrance that last long enough to savour.

Some people envy my "transfering-schools" childhood, yeah, that undoubtedly caters to my value of life: never stay still easily satisfied, broaden your horizon by chasing all possibilities. On the other side, it's easy to lose contact, but thanks to the internet, though we are unable to see each other in person, we can still share daily lives and ideas. 若世界上最遙遠的距離是與身旁的人的疏離感, 那麼最近的距離或許是拜網路所賜的時空收斂吧^^I cherish 緣分 because every friend reflects a part of me, unique and irreplacable with defintely something I can learn from. 每個朋友都是我某方面的知己及獨一無二的學習對象. Thanks for entering my life and always there for me ~ Even though most of you are faraway struggling for your life, precious memories never fade, do they?

★在美食天堂的府城,到處充斥著提供蛋糕的複合式餐廳,但是有無限量供應精緻蛋糕、慕斯,結合各式主廚套餐擁有烘焙廚房的主題餐廳,可一定來【森林花園烘焙主題餐廳】不可。 ★店內除了每日提供四十幾種蛋糕、慕斯、焦糖布丁、果凍外。更供應沙拉、熟食、手工餅乾、三明治...以及多種果汁、咖啡、花茶、濃湯,讓您一口氣無限暢飲到底。另外可加選主廚精心料理的數十種精緻特餐或美味火鍋,獨樹一格的美食,樣樣挑動味覺新感受。

偷拍草莓慕斯冰淇淋被抓包== I'm not a spy!

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