
Rules of Procedures

第一屆國立政治大學模擬聯合國會議 NCCU Model United Natons
The floor is officially open主席宣布開會
Roll Call唱名 依照國家名字字母排序依序唱名,以確認會議出席國家。
Setting the Agenda 議程設定

例句:Japan moves to set the agenda in the following order: Topic B as the first topic and Topic A as the second.
2.陳述對於此議程設定支持或反對之意見自動開啟特殊發言者名單(Provisional speakers’ list)按照名單順序發言陳述。
3.表決是否通過此議程順序 簡單多數決(Simply Majority Vote):贊成者數量大於與會國家數之一半。若通過即進入議題討論程序

Debate 議題討論 【3.2】
Formal debate正式討論
Informal debate非正式討論
General speakers’ list【4.1】(常設發言者名單)
1.Raise placard2.pass note over to the chair 
Moderated caucus【3.4】主席維持秩序下的討論
Unmoderated caucus【3.3】自由討論
provisionalspeakers’ list YIELDS:轉讓發言權【4.12】
Yield to Chair/Yield to Another Delegate/Yield to Questions
*Point of Inquiry
Working paper工作計畫書
Draft resolution決議文草案【5.1】
Close of Debate 結束討論 【3.6】

Voting Procedure 投票表決程序【6.1&6.2】
Draft resolution by official sponsors 國家提出決議文草案【5.2】
1.Signatories:25% of the number of delegates present1.1/4以上會員國家的簽名。
2.Approval of the Director2.主席批准。
Qualified Draft Resolution取得可在會議中被討論的資格

Motion for Consideration of Draft Resolution介紹決議文草案【5.5】
此動議提出後直接進入表決程序,不需辯論。(請見動議提出過程)This motion will be voted soon after it’s raised to the floor. This motion is NOT debatable.
Debate:General Speakers’ list討論該決議文
Delegates make statements to support or disagree with specific draft resolution.
Closure of debate結束討論該決議文
Voting procedure表決
Adjourn Meeting結束會議/休會【3.8】結束本期會議

發言方式【4.4】【4.5】 須經主席同意
3.發言:Honorable chair, “國家名”... 
用來打斷發言Points1.point of Order【4.6】
動議的概念(motions): 會議中改變目前狀態的手續。 a.動議的種類
有底線者為須經過辯論程序才投票的動議。 

Motion to set agenda議程設定
Motions to open and close the speakers list開啟/關閉發言名單
Motions to set speaking time設定發言者時間Ex: Moves to set the speaker’s time to 2 minutes.Motion for a moderated caucus 主席主持之下的非正式討論
Motion for an unmoderated caucus自由討論
Motion to adjourn debate擱置討論
Motion to resume debate重新開啟討論
Motion to close debate 終止討論
2/3 voteMotion to suspend the meeting 休息 
Motion to adjourn the meeting 散會/結束本期會議
1.提出動議:Honorable chair, Canada moves to… Peru motions to….
2.主席徵詢有無附議:any second?

表決Voting a.表決的型態
1.procedural votes程序性投票:Yes/No
2.substantive votes非程序性投票:Yes/No/Abstain/Abstain from the orderof votingb.表決的門檻
1.Simple majority:参與表決的人數過半數同意
2.two-thirds majority:参與表決的三分之二以上同意*相對多數決:YES more than NOs

1.Position Paper 立場書
Definition: A public statement of your country’s position on the topics being discussed and should be submitted to the committee prior to the conference. A position paper should include:a.Reference to past UN resolutions and international treaties, providing the specific number or name of that document and the year it passed,b.Reference to the UN Charter, as appropriate for the topic,c.Past statements by the Secretary-General, a senior UN Secretariat member or by a representative of a UN agency on the topic, d.Reference to the work the UN has already done on the topic, whether by specialized agencies, regional bodies or working with non-governmental organizations,e.Past statements on the topic by representatives of your government, especially if these mention the significance of the specific issue to your country, f.Specific suggestions of action(s) that your country will support in solving the issue in question

※Sample Position paper (see attachment 1.1)
2.Working Paper 工作書
Definition: Working papers are intended to aid the Committee in its discussion and formulation of resolutions and need not be written in resolution format. Working papers are not official documents, but do require the signature of the Director to be copied and distributed.

3.Draft Resolution 決議文草案Definition: The final results of discussion, writing and negotiations before being voted on by the Committee.

Components of Draft Resolution:a.The headingThe heading should include the name of the committee, topics, resolution number, sponsors and signatories. b.The preamble section The preamble of a draft resolution states the reason for which the committee is addressing the topic and highlights past international action on the issue. Each clause begins with a present participle (called a preambulatory phrase) and ends with a comma. Preambulatory clauses can include:˙Reference to the UN Charter;˙Citations of past UN resolutions or treaties on the topic under discussion;˙Mentions of statements made by the Secretary-General or a relevant UN body˙Recognition of the efforts of regional or nongovernmental organizations in dealingwith the issue; and˙General Statements on the topic, its significance and its impact
c. The operative sectionOperative clauses identify the actions or recommendations made in a resolution. Each operative clause begins with a verb (called an operative phrase) and ends with a semicolon. Operative clauses should be organized in a logical progression, with each containing a single idea or proposal, and are always numbered. If a clause requires further explanation, bulleted lists set off by letters or roman numerals can also be used. After the last operative clause, the resolution ends in a period.

4.Resolution 決議文
Definition: Resolutions, which are drafted by delegates and voted on by the committee, normally require a simple majority to pass (except in the Security Council). Only Security Council resolutions are can compel nations to take action. All other UN bodies use resolutions to make recommendations or suggestions for future action.
Format of a resolution: is the same as the above listed for Draft Resolution. (See 1.2 for Sample Resolution)
Some Preambulatory Phrases AffirmingAlarmed byApprovingAware ofBearing in mindBelievingConfidentContemplatingConvincedDeclaringDeeply concernedDeeply consciousDeeply convinced Deeply disturbedDeeply regrettingDesiringEmphasizingExpectingExpressing its appreciationExpressing its satisfactionFulfillingFully alarmedFully awareFully believingFurther deploringFurther recalling Guided byHaving adoptedHaving consideredHaving considered furtherHaving devoted attentionHaving examinedHaving heardHaving receivedHaving studiedKeeping in mindNoting with regretNoting with deep concernNoting with satisfactionNoting further Noting with approvalObservingReaffirmingRealizing RecallingRecognizingReferringSeekingTaking into accountTaking into considerationTaking noteViewing with appreciationWelcoming

Some Operative Phrases
AcceptsAffirmsApprovesAuthorizesCallsCalls uponCondemnsConfirmsCongratulatesConsiders Declares accordinglyDeploresDesignatesDraws the attentionEmphasizesEncouragesEndorsesExpresses its appreciationExpresses its hopeFurther invites Further proclaimsFurther remindsFurther recommendsFurther requestsFurther resolvesHas resolvedNotesProclaimsReaffirmsRecommends Regrets Reminds Requests Solemnly affirms Strongly condemnsSupports Takes note ofTransmitsTrusts

MUN Preparation Guide (UNA-USA)

國家扮演劇本Rules simulation
Represented Member StatesChina Nigeria Poland Venezuela United States

1.Roll CallChair: If there are no objections, we will bring the committee in to formal session. We will now begin to roll call.
Co-Chair: ChinaChina: Present
Co-Chair: NigeriaNigeria: Present
Co-Chair: PolandPoland: Present
Co-Chair: VenezuelaVenezuela: Present
Co-Chair: United StatesUnited States: Present and Voting

2. Agenda SettingChair: The first order of business before the committee is to set the agenda order. Are there any motions on the floor at this time?(China raises placard)Chair: The chair recognizes the delegate from China.China: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, China moves to set the agenda in the following order: Topic two as the first topic to be discussed, Topic one to be the second topic to be addressed.
Chair: Thank you delegate, a motion has been made to set the agenda as follows: Topic two to be the first; Topic one to be the second to be discussed. Are there any further motions on the floor at this time?(Venezuela raises placard)Chair: The chair recognizes the delegate from Venezuela.Venezuela: Honorable Chair, Venezuela would like to make a motion to set the agenda order as follows: Topic one to be the first and Topic two to be the second to be discussed.
Chair: Thank you, delegate from Venezuela, now, there are two motions on the floor at this time. We would first vote on the first motion of which regards the order as the Topic two to be the first and Topic one to be the second. This motion is decided by a simple majority vote and there is no debate required. All those in favor of this motion, please raise your placards, (Poland, China and US raise) All those against, please raise your placard. (Venezuela and Nigeria rise) By a vote of three in favor and two opposed, this motion passes and the committee is now moving into substantive session to address Topic Two.

3. Open & close speakers’ list /Setting of speaker’s time#Creation of the speakers’ listChair: The chair will open the speakers’ list to begin deliberations. All those who would like to be placed on the speakers’ list, please raise your placards until your States has been recognized.(Delegates who wish to be put on the speakers’ list may raise your placard until you are recognized.)
#Set the speaker’s time Chair: Are there any motions on the floor?(Nigeria raises placard)Chair: The chair recognizes the delegate from Nigeria.Nigeria: Honorable Chair, Nigeria moves to set the speaker’s time to 2 minutes.Chair: Thank you delegate from Nigeria. Is there any second on the floor? (All nations second the motion) This motion is in order. This motion requires two delegates to speak in favor, two delegates to speak against and decided by a simple majority vote. Delegates wishing to speak in favor of this motion, please raise your placards.(Poland and Venezuela raise their placards)Chair: Poland and Venezuela, you will speak in favor of setting the speaker’s time at two minutes. Delegates wishing to speak in opposition to this motion, please raise your placards.(China and Nigeria raise their placards)Chair: China and Nigeria, you will speak in opposition of setting the speaker’s time at two minutes. Delegates, each of you have 30 seconds to speak in favor of or in opposition to the motion. Poland, you have 30 seconds.(After four delegates speak, this motion will bring to vote)
#Close the speakers’ listChair: Are there any motions on the floor?(United States raises placard)Chair: Delegate from United States, you may have the floor.United States: Thank you honorable chair, distinguished delegates, Unites States moves to close the speakers’ list. Vote/ simple majority & without debate

4. Motion for unmoderated & moderated caucus# Unmoderated caucusChair: Are there any motions on the floor?(Nigeria raises placard)Chair: Delegate from Nigeria, you may have the floor.Nigeria: Thank you honorable chair, distinguished delegates, Nigeriamoves to suspend the meeting for unmoderated caucus for 20 minutes.Chair: For what purpose, delegate? This motion requires the statement of purpose.Nigeria: I apologize, Honorable Chair, for the purpose of discussing the working paper from Nigeria.Chair: Thank you delegate, there is a motion to suspend the meeting for 20 minutes unmoderated caucus for the purpose of discussing the working paper from Nigeria.  Vote/ simple majority & without debate
# Moderated caucusChair: Are there any motions on the floor?(China raises placard)Chair: Delegate from China, you may have the floor.China: Thank you honorable chair, distinguished delegates, China would like to move for a 5-minute moderated caucus with a 30-second speaking time for each delegate to discuss solutions brought up by Nigeria.Chair: ……….. Vote/ simple majority & without debate

#Point of orderChair: There is a motion to set the speaker’s time to 3 minutes. This motion requires a two-thirds majority to pass it.Poland: Point of order.Chair: Delegate from Poland, what is your point?Poland: Honorable Chair, this motion only requires a simple majority vote according to the rule.
#Point of Parliamentary InquiryChair: A point of Parliamentary Procedure is used to ask the chairperson a question regarding the rules of procedure and it may not be used for substantive questions and may never interrupt a speaker.Chair: Are there any motions on the floor?(US raises placard)Chair: Delegate from United StatesUnited States: Point of parliamentary inquiry. How many signatories are required for a draft resolution to be approved by the dais?Chair: There should be 1/4 signatories of presented delegations to approve a draft resolution.
# YieldChair: Are there any motions on the floor? Seeing none, next delegate on the speakers’ list is delegate from Poland. You may have the floor.Poland: Thank you honorable chair and distinguished delegates, Poland……………. (1.5 –minute speech) Thank you.Chair: Delegate from Poland, you still have 30 seconds left, you may have three options: first, yield time to questions; second, yield time to another delegate who you would like to gain the respond; the last is to yield time to me to be back to the formal session.Poland: I would like to yield to questions.(U.S raises the placard)Chair: Delegate from United States, you may have the floor.United States: Thank you Chair, United States would like to ask…….. Thank you.Chair: Thank you delegate from United States, delegate from Poland, you may have 30 seconds to respond.Poland: (Respond).

6. Motion for Adjournment of DebateChair: Are there any motions on the floor?(Venezuela raises placard)
Chair: Delegate from Venezuela, you may have the floor.Venezuela: Thank you honorable chair, distinguished delegates, Venezuela moves for adjournment of debate.Chair: Delegate from Venezuela, your motion is now in order, prior to moving to vote, allow the dais to remind the committee of the ramifications that accompany the passage of a motion for adjournment. Adjournment of debate will result in the immediate end of debate on the topic currently under consideration the committee will move on to the second agenda topic without voting on either of the draft resolutions or the amendments currently on the floor. Vote/ Two pros and two cons & Simple majority

7. Motion for Closure of debateChair: Are there any motions on the floor?(Nigeria raises placard)Chair: Delegate from Nigeria, you may have the floor.Nigeria: Thank you honorable chair, distinguished delegates, Nigeria moves for closure of debate.Chair: Thank you delegate, are there any other motions on the floor? Seeing none, there is a motion on the floor for closure of debate. This motion requires two speakers in opposition and is decided by a 2/3 majority vote. Before requesting speakers on this motion, please remember that the passage of this motion will formally end debate on this topic and the committee will move immediately into voting procedure on the amendments and draft resolutions which had already been introduced. Vote/ Two cons & 2/3 majority

8. Motion for Consideration of draft resolution/ Amendment Chair: Are there any motions on the floor?(China raises placard)Chair: The chair recognizes delegate from China.China: China moves for consideration of draft resolution 1 /Amendment 1.Chair: There is a motion on the floor to introduce Draft Resolution 1. With a majority vote, the draft resolution will be considered introduced and on the floor. All those…………(This motion passes)(Chair will allow delegates to introduce this Draft Resolution /Amendment)

9. Voting-Roll-call vote(After closure of debate)Chair: The committee is now in formal voting procedure. Are there any motions on the floor?(Nigeria raises placard)Chair: Delegate from Nigeria, to what point do you rise?Nigeria: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Nigeria would like to move to Roll- call vote.Chair: Thank you delegate, your request is in order. We will first vote on Draft Resolution A in roll call. Delegates, you may have four options when you are called: “yes”, ”no” , “abstain”, “abstain from the order of voting”. Please be aware that delegates who are present and voting may not abstain.
Co-Chair: ChinaChina: Abstain from the order of votingCo-Chair: NigeriaNigeria: Yes
Co-Chair: PolandPoland: Abstain
Co-Chair: VenezuelaVenezuela: Yes
Co-Chair: Unites StatesUnites States: No
(Back to the States which have abstained from the order of voting in the first round.)
Co-Chair: ChinaChina: Yes

10. Motion to suspend/adjournment the meetingEX: China moves to suspend the meeting till 8.a.m tomorrow morning for the purpose of attending the social program tonight.Vote/ no debate/simple majority
EX: Poland moves to adjourn the meeting till next year.Vote/ no debate/simple majority

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