

"There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies."--Winston Churchill
"對一個社會來說, 沒有比用奶餵飽嬰孩更棒的投資了!"--邱吉爾
Precondition前提是: No Chinese milk
所以我們加幾句註解:"Putting Chinese milk into anything is no investment.""Feeding tainted milk will be investment of suicide." XD

1."Everything ultimately fails, for we die, and that is either the penultimate failure or our most enigmatic achievement."--Edward Dahlburg
"一切成就終究會隨我們死去, 而這也是最值得慶幸的事."(這句我翻的有點扭曲原意但不知道問題在哪...)
不過 2.Happiness lies in the contentment of what we have.
快樂不在於你擁有很多, 而是你想要的不多
3.畢竟"There are people out there hurt more than you do."很多人比你傷的重!

<--world democracy cycle
"Over time, the more we bring China to the world,
the more the world will bring freedom to China."--Bill Clinton
"我們越協助中國融入世界, 隨著時間推移, 世界也越將自由帶入中國."--克林頓

說來ironic, 美國自由嗎?民主嗎? 民主有意義嗎?人民成熟道知道自己需要什麼嗎?不如開明專制吧?
"I don't believe that the public knows what it wants;it is the conclusion that I have drawn from my career."--Charlie Chaplin

"Music has charms to soothe a savage beast." William Congreve
"The reward of art is not fame but intoxication ; that's why so many bad artists are unable to give it up."--Cyril Connoly
"藝術創作帶來的酬償不是名聲, 而是耽溺其中的快感; 因此才有那麼多爛藝術家無法自拔..."

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