
Sound Huntress 4 Grandma's Secret

February 1, 2051
Dear Diary,

I've been out on this mission to search for a cure to a disease happening on my planet- interpersonal communication avoidance (so-called INCOAVO). This is the 5th day. I don't know how much longer I can take it, I have no clue what am I supposed to find. It is draining me. That's why I haven't been writing.  I am sent to an island for my first mission-to find the sound that make people's heart beat fast.

The only thing I know is my planet commander Sadam sent me here because of a person that died of heart attack, a fatal illness in the past. Since then no one ever die of heart attack. I am sent here to find out more about it. Right now I still don't know how this can relate to what I'm supposed to find. But who knows.

People here live very simple life. That's all I can tell. I am living with one family now. They serve me basic food like rice and meat and a room to sleep. However, I can't communicate with them very well because they use a different sign language system. I made a gesture to get hot water and they thought I was gonna find a place to poo... It only took me the first day here to see everything on this island, I think about only 700 people live here. Maybe I need to observe a little bit more.

There is a huge box in the living room I find fascinating. It is made of wood. I've never seen such thing. Every morning the grandma of the house would wake up and go to touch the box gently. I wonder what's inside it. I've been observing this household for the past few days. The mother wakes up early to take care of the field and crops, whereas the father goes out to hunt for fish. The little girl just draws. She's blind. I wonder if she knows what she's drawing.

Yesterday something weird happened. The little girl ran to me suddenly and giving me a piece of paper. Then she grabbed it back from me and cut them into pieces. The pieces fell on the floor and the wind blew them away. I tried to gather all the pieces but couldn't. What I saw on the paper was a silhouette of a heart. Does it mean heart broken?

Still so much mystery going on...there is one sound I particularly remember: the sound of the paper breaking into pieces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This did get a lot more desperate/despondent than the previous entries. I guess that's a good sign for plot.

I'm also seeing the "children's story" bit: the sentences seem to be simpler than the previous entries, with fewer conjunctions, fewer tenses, etc. I'll admit that this probably overlaps with the "non-native speaker" bit somewhat, but that part makes the endeavour much more impressive. (I've never written a real story in any language but English.)

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